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新春優惠現正進行中,優惠期至2月14日。🧧     好消息!! 本店已推行會員優惠計劃,會員登入帳戶後購物,可儲積分及享用會員優惠!!     消費滿$500可享免運費。      <重要訊息> 我們絕不會在會員註冊或付款過程中要求提供敏感個人資料(如身分證資料)。如遇可疑資料索取,請與我們聯絡。

biotrace 甘胺酸鎂 膠囊 Magnesium Bisglycinate
biotrace 甘胺酸鎂 膠囊 Magnesium Bisglycinate
biotrace 甘胺酸鎂 膠囊 Magnesium Bisglycinate
biotrace 甘胺酸鎂 膠囊 Magnesium Bisglycinate
biotrace 甘胺酸鎂 膠囊 Magnesium Bisglycinate

biotrace 甘胺酸鎂 膠囊 Magnesium Bisglycinate

定價 $488.00 $388.00 優惠價

甘胺酸鎂 素食膠囊

* 沒有與其他形式的鎂相關的腸道耐受性問題

* 甘胺酸鎂有卓越的生物利用度:作為氨基酸在小腸遠端吸收,是鎂缺乏人士的理想選擇



- 協助肌肉細胞平衡離子,從而減少肌肉抽搐(包括孕期抽筋)

- 支持肌肉、能量和神經系統

- 防止鈣質流失,維持骨質密度

- 維持大腦健康及認知能力

- 適合血糖關注人士



* 高品質植物膠囊,確保營養素得到更好的保護

* cGMP(良好生產規範)認證工廠

* 重金屬測試

* 不含輔料、合成防腐劑、大豆、堅果、麩質、雞蛋、乳製品、玉米和基因改造



晴報專欄 關海山教授科研團隊 <益生第一關>







鎂是我們體內 300 多種化學反應的重要輔助因子。科學研究指出,鎂可以支持骨骼健康、心血管健康、神經傳導、肌肉功能和大腦功能。鎂還可以在壓力、精力不足、睡眠不佳和情緒失衡時幫助身體



每日 1 粒膠囊,隨餐服用










Magnesium Bisglycinate (Vegetarian)

* Balance ions in muscle cells, reduce muscle cramps

* Prevent calcium loss & maintain bone density

* Maintain brain health & cognitive ability

* No bowel tolerance of other forms of magnesium

* Bisglycinate: highly bio-available form absorbed as amino acid, ideal for correcting deficiency

* High quality vegetable capsule

* cGMP certified plant

*  Heavy metals tested

* Excipient, Soy, Nut, Gluten, Egg, Dairy, Corn, GMO and Synthetic preservative Free



Magnesium in food is easily lost during cooking, and many people in advanced regions have inadequate magnesium intake. Therefore, magnesium supplementation may be necessary. Different magnesium compounds can supplement magnesium in the body, but there are subtle differences in their effectiveness and characteristics.

Magnesium glycinate has the highest absorption rate in simulated small intestine, followed by magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide. After feeding mice with different doses of magnesium supplements in an animal study, changes in different parts of their bodies were compared. The results showed that in the highest dosage group, the magnesium level in muscles increased the most in the magnesium citrate group, while magnesium glycinate was found to be better at increasing magnesium level in the brain compared to magnesium citrate and had a lower risk of gastrointestinal discomfort.


Functions of Magnesium in our body:

Magnesium is an essential cofactor for more than 300 chemical reactions within the body. Scientific research suggests that magnesium may support bone health, cardiovascular health, nerve conduction, muscle function and brain function. Magnesium may also assist the body in times of stress, low energy, poor sleep and mood imbalance.


Directions for Adults:

1 capsule daily with food



Do not use if seal cap is damaged or missing

Keep out of reach from children.

Supplementary to and not a replacement for a balanced diet



Store in a cool, dry place, with caps tightly closed